What does RoIP Stand For?
The Interoperability Between Legacy & Modern Radios
The term “RoIP” stands for Radio over Internet Protocol.
Traditional, legacy radio systems use RoIP to put their old devices on an IP network, creating interoperability between legacy LMR systems and modern digital networks.
Many industrial companies have utilized Land Mobile Radio (LMR) systems for their main means of communication in facilities for years. The advances to these legacy systems are few and far between as they have fallen behind the technological advances that have happened across the globe.

RoIP was developed to act as the temporary bridge between legacy LMR systems and modern communication devices. This way companies could cycle out their legacy devices to digital devices over time.
The process of implementing RoIP has traditionally been expensive and hard to configure, involving integrators and system providers. To combat the high cost of deployment, weavix™ developed a plug-and-play model that drastically reduces costs. This allows companies to continue using their legacy systems while preparing themselves for their digital transformation journey.
The Many Benefits of a RoIP Solution
There are numerous benefits that come along with a RoIP by weavix™ solution. These benefits vary company-to-company, and even site-to-site, depending on industrial communication needs. Legacy radios have limited capabilities but high costs, so many companies choose to supply radios to subsets of their workforce. With weavix™, you don’t have to.
weavix™ makes open communication throughout your workforce possible:
- Legacy and modern devices can now communicate without barrier.
- Radio infrastructure will no longer determine the range as devices will run wherever internet is available.
- It is now cost-effective for companies to provide communication devices to their entire workforce since they will not have to only rely on expensive legacy radios.

The Evolutionary Step in Push-To-Talk Radio Life
Many companies have an existing infrastructure for their communication system and have invested the dollars for these systems along with the legacy radios that have not yet reached end of life.
However, this end of life is approaching for these dated devices and companies cannot overlook this if they want to succeed. Utilizing RoIP will allow companies to build the bridge that will lead them to digital transformation where eventually they can rely solely on digital smart tools.
Where RoIP Fits Into an IoW Platform
The Internet of Workers, or IoW, is the concept of connecting the entire workforce to the internet through digital devices to collect and share data.
This is only possible if the entire workforce has a digital smart tool. RoIP connectivity is the only workaround to this. By temporarily putting analog radios on the internet, companies can begin to realize the benefits of an IoW platform while continuing to use their legacy systems.
At weavix™, we’ve helped businesses in various industries connect their workforce more while allowing them to keep their current systems in place. See how weavix™ can work for you, contact us to get started.
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