Internet of Workers Blog | weavix

We’re Celebrating Safety Champions With Lunch for the Whole Shift

Written by Matt Meinecke | Nov 19, 2024 3:58:11 PM

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you know that safety is at the core of everything we do. We believe a truly safe environment requires seamless communication, connecting every worker regardless of location or language. When workers communicate effectively, they can look out for one another and avoid risks — creating a culture where safety thrives.

You also know that we drive safety by equipping every worker with the most advanced communication tools available. From AI-powered language translation to instant multimedia messaging, our platform ensures that communication is simple, accessible, and dependable. This is not just tech for tech’s sake — communication drives safety. When every worker has a device and can instantly connect with their team, it transforms the job site into a safer, more efficient environment. Even those hesitant to embrace new tech quickly realize they can’t work without it. Business improves, risks decrease, and productivity soars. Safety is why we’re here. Communication is what we do.

To celebrate the unsung safety heroes, we’re launching an exciting giveaway. Leaders can now nominate a Safety Champion who exemplifies dedication to keeping themselves and their team safe, shift after shift. The process is simple — nominate an hourly worker or team by filling out the form on our nomination page. At the beginning of December, we’ll select the winners and reach out to let them choose when and how they would like to celebrate. These champions get the chance to pick their favorite eats, whether a food truck or a catered meal, to share with their shift in celebration of their commitment to their own safety and that of each other.

Please share this blog or our social posts about the giveaway to spread the word, and feel free to nominate a safety champion yourself. Let’s recognize and celebrate those who work hard to ensure every team member goes home safely.